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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Travelling sickness

Every time when I have to travel, I will feel reluctant because I know I will get travelling sickness. When the vehicle start to move, I will start experiencing nausea, and most of time I will have to stop the driver to give me a chance to vomit. Many of my friends know about my condition. Therefore, they often didn't want me to join them for any long distance trip. Please, I want my happy life with my friends again. I don't want to be isolated just because of this small problem.
Every problem has its solution. So does your problem. Actually when you are in a vehicle, your body balancing is quite shaky because the vehicle is moving. This sometimes cause your brain to feel confused and will result in nausea. Well, the scientific explanation is not exactly like what the doctors will explain, but this is based on my opinion and own experience solely. To overcome your problem, it is very simple. Bring along an orange whenever you want to travel long distance, (or short distance - it's up to you - it doesn't matter). When you feel dizzy, just peel off the orange and inhale deeply the sweet and sour smell of the orange skin. You will feel much better. Try it and experience the result.

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