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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pain during pass motion

Every time when I pass motion, I feel very pain at my anus. I don't know what to do with this situation. Please help me.
For a while, stop eating all kinds of chillies and hot spices. This will give time for your body to cleanse itself. Meanwhile, eat a lot of water spinach. This will help your digestive system.
My brother had died of malaria. The doctor who treated my brother was unable to detect the disease in the early stage. Now I am angry and doesn't want to go to the doctor if I am infected by Malaria. How can I treat it myself?
Malaria is a dangerous disease. If possible, go to the doctor first. But as an alternative, you can take a handful of centella asiatica leaves and pound it until it produce moisture. Put the leaves onto your thumbs for seven consecutive days.

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